
Translation and interculturality Africa and the West

. Translation and interculturality Africa and the West, Frankfurt am Main ;;Berlin ;;Bern etc., P. Lang, (2008)


Sélection de contributions au colloque international qui s'est tenu à Groningue (Pays-Bas), les 2 et 3 avril 2004. As the last decades have shown, translation is not only an interlingual, but also an intercultural activity. The problems which it generates vary depending on the depth of cultural differences. We should like to focus in this conference on the role of translation as a mediating activity between African languages and cultures and those of the West, while at the same time taking account of its potential of promoting sociocultural, ideological, and political conflict. How does translation function in complex multilingual and multicultural nations? Given the multiple roots of African cultures, how does translation impact on the rapidly changing traditions of Africa? In what way does translation really reflect cultural differences, instead of masking them? In bringing together both experts on African languages and cultures and translation scholars, we hope to provide a broad forum for debating these questions.

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