OntoWiki: A Tool for Social, Semantic
S. Auer, S. Dietzold, J. Lehmann, and T. Riechert. Proceedings of the Workshop on Social and
Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge
(CKC 2007) at the 16th International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2007) Banff, Canada, May 8, 2007, volume 273 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, (2007)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Social and
Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge
(CKC 2007) at the 16th International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2007) Banff, Canada, May 8, 2007
%0 Conference Paper
%1 ontowiki_www
%A Auer, Sören
%A Dietzold, Sebastian
%A Lehmann, Jens
%A Riechert, Thomas
%B Proceedings of the Workshop on Social and
Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge
(CKC 2007) at the 16th International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2007) Banff, Canada, May 8, 2007
%D 2007
%E Noy, Natalya Fridman
%E Alani, Harith
%E Stumme, Gerd
%E Mika, Peter
%E Sure, York
%E Vrandecic, Denny
%I CEUR-WS.org
%K 2007 aksw imported ontowiki
%T OntoWiki: A Tool for Social, Semantic
%U http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-273/paper_91.pdf
%V 273
added-at = {2009-11-06T11:07:03.000+0100},
author = {Auer, S{\"o}ren and Dietzold, Sebastian and Lehmann, Jens and Riechert, Thomas},
bibdate = {2008-05-30},
bibsource = {DBLP,
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e646431fba0e629258b74292ab8fcffd/jens},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Social and
Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge
({CKC} 2007) at the 16th International World Wide Web
Conference ({WWW2007}) Banff, Canada, May 8, 2007},
description = {publications Jens Lehmann},
editor = {Noy, Natalya Fridman and Alani, Harith and Stumme, Gerd and Mika, Peter and Sure, York and Vrandecic, Denny},
interhash = {78cace5f03e227c17d4ec4161dab4375},
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keywords = {2007 aksw imported ontowiki},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
timestamp = {2009-11-06T11:15:31.000+0100},
title = {OntoWiki: {A} Tool for Social, Semantic
url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-273/paper_91.pdf},
volume = 273,
year = 2007