
Drying layer: theory vs simulations

, and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Local properties of a fluid near a surface crucially affect the character of fluid flow in microchannels, determine long-range attraction (repulsion) between two surfaces in liquid, conformation of biomolecular systems etc. Apart from the density depletion due to the missing neighbor effect, liquid density profile near a weakly attractive surface may be affected by a drying transition, whose temperature and order depend on interaction details. We studied behavior of a drying layer in LJ fluid below and above a drying transition temperature by simulations of the liquid-vapor coexistence from freezing to the pore critical temperature in the Gibbs ensemble. To distinguish between the effect of a fluid-wall interaction and the effect of confinement, coexistence curves were studied in slit pores of various sizes and various strengths of a fluid-wall interaction. In all pores and all temperatures studied, the density profiles of a liquid phase may be described by unique master equation with two system- and temperature-dependent parameters, L and $\xi$, which describe a thickness of drying layer and a sharpness of an interface, respectively. Both parameters were found to change roughly linear with the inverse pore width. However, confinement affects L much stronger than $\xi$. In large pores (H = 40$\sigma$), $\xi$ does not depend on the fluid-wall interaction and is indistinguishable from the bulk correlation length, indicating absence of the capillary waves in the considered pores. We have found, that the thickness L of a drying layer diverges with temperature approximately as a bulk correlation length in pores with both hard and weakly attractive walls. Note, that in the former case fluid is always above the drying transition temperature, whereas in the latter case the drying transition occurs at the bulk critical point only. Strengthening of the fluid-wall interaction suppresses power-law divergence of L and causes a logarithmic growth of L with temperature. We may expect, that this logarithmic growth crosses over to the power law with approaching the critical temperature. Existence of the two distinct regimes in the temperature behavior of L, may reflect predrying transition, predicted for long-range fluid-wall interactions (1). (1) C.Ebner, W.F.Saam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 587 (1987).

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