
The quest towards a winning Enterprise 2.0 collaboration technology adoption strategy

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2013)


Although Enterprise 2.0 collaboration technologies present enterprises with a significant amount of business benefits; enterprises are still facing challenges in promoting and sustaining end-user adoption. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review on Enterprise 2.0 collaboration technology adoption models, challenges, as well as to provide emerging statistic approaches that purport to address these challenges. The paper will present four critical Enterprise 2.0 adoption elements that need to form part of an Enterprise 2.0 collaboration technology adoption strategy. The four critical elements were derived from the ‘SHARE 2013 for business users’ conference conducted in Johannesburg, South Africa 2013, as well as a review of the existing literature. The four adoption elements include enterprise strategic alignment, adoption strategy, governance, and communication, training and support. The four critical Enterprise 2.0 adoption elements will allow enterprises to ensure strategic alignment between the chosen Enterprise 2.0 collaboration technology toolset and the chosen business strategies. In addition by reviewing and selecting an appropriate adoption strategy that incorporates governance, communication and a training and support system, the enterprise can improve its ability towards a successful Enterprise 2.0 adoption campaign.

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