
Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies of Viola tianschanica Maxim. – An Uyghur ethnomedicinal plant

, , , and . Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 4 (3): 95-106 (June 2016)


Context: Viola tianschanica Maxim. (Violaceae) is a perennial herb widely distributed in Central Asia, especially in the Xinjiang of China. The whole herb has been used in traditional Uygur medicines as an antifebrile-detoxicate drugs. Aims: To characterize macroscopical and microscopical features of the root, leave and rhizome of the V. tianschanica Maxim. Explore and establish the micro-morphology and quality control methods for this plant. Methods: Pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigations were conducted regarding macroscopic, microscopic and preliminary phytochemical parameters. Results: It can be identified by structural features of flowers, structural characteristics of rhizome and root, specific thickening of endothecium cells of clinandrium can be regarded as identification character. This crude drug showed the characteristic physicochemical values like total ash (12%), water soluble ash (4.0%), acid insoluble ash (3.8%) and moisture content (6.5%). The ethanolic extract mainly contained flavonoids in this herb, also contained alkaloids, tannins, saponins, coumarin and absence of fats and protein. Conclusions: Various pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical characters observed in this test may help in standardization, identification and carrying out further research in V. tianschanica Maxim. based drugs used in Uygur traditional medicine and folk medicines. Sediment type of impurity content is higher in herbs; it should be paying attention to control quality of medicinal materials or drugs.

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