
Temporal Structuring of Web Content for Adaptive Reduction in Obsolescence Delivery over Internet

, и . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (2): 470--475 (февраля 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150209


With increased cyber penetration in the civil society and popularity of web services, websites have now been taken as web based Information Systems 1. The smooth online services have increased flow of information many folds. Simultaneously lack of appropriate technology to sense content obsolescence 2 has also increased flow of obsolete or stale information many folds. That further leads to many litigations among stake holders. Since transfer of web contents between two nodes over Internet takes place in the form of HTML documents 3, adequate temporal structuring of HTML documents may enable delivery platforms 4 to detect and filter obsolescence in the under-delivery web content automatically. Though this feature can be achieved using server-side scripts 5 but it is difficult for naïve users as server-side scripting demands advance web programming skill. The present paper addresses this problem of naïve user by proposing extended attribute sets of HTML TAGs 6 that beginner can use in web authoring. In this paper two new attributes ‘pubDate’ for date of publish the web content and ‘expDate’ for date of expiry of web content have been introduced in a very simple format. These two new attributes can be used for defining age of web content i.e. life span of web content at the time of web authoring 2. This paper demonstrates detection and filtering of web obsolescence from the delivery of static HTML documents by proposed framework of content delivery platform. Also some more significant benefits of proposed framework have also been highlighted

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