
On-Line Estimation of LO Noise and Optimisation of Servo Parameters in Atomic Clocks

, , , , , , and . (2017)cite arxiv:1701.06697Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures.


For atomic frequency standards in which fluctuations of the local oscillator frequency are the dominant noise source, we examine the role of the the servo algorithm that predicts and corrects these frequency fluctuations. We derive the optimal linear prediction algorithm, as well as practical procedures for optimising the parameters of a conventional integrating servo and characterising the flicker and random-walk noise of the local oscillator without interrupting the normal operation of the standard. In particular, we show that near-optimal servo parameters can be calculated without independent knowledge of the local-oscillator noise, based only on monitoring of the error signal. Using simple analytical models and numerical simulations, we establish optimum probe times as a function of clock atom number and of the dominant noise type in the local oscillator. This leads to an argument for the superiority of methods that increase the measurement signal-to-noise ratio (increasing atom number, spin squeezing) over those that increase the effective transition frequency (maximally-correlated states) when trying to improve the stability of local-oscillator-limited frequency standards.

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