
Graphingwiki - a Semantic Wiki extension for visualising and inferring protocol dependency

, and . Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Wikis -- From Wiki To Semantics, ESWC2006, (June 2006)


This paper introduces the Graphingwiki extension to MoinMoin Wiki. Graphingwiki enables the deepened analysis of the Wiki data by augmenting it with semantic data in a simple, practical and easy-to-use manner. Visualisation tools are used to clarify the resulting body of knowledge so that only the data essential for an usage scenario is displayed. Logic inference rules can be applied to the data to perform automated reasoning based on the data. Perceiving dependencies among network protocols presents an example use case of the framework. The use case was applied in practice in mapping effects of software vulnerabilities on critical infrastructures.


All references containing the term "wiki" from the bibtex files of papers on the SemWiki2006 WS

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