The problem of indexing time series has attracted
much research interest in the database
community. Most algorithms used to index time
series utilize the Euclidean distance or some
variation thereof. However is has been forcefully
shown that the Euclidean distance is a very
brittle distance measure. Dynamic Time Warping
(DTW) is a much more robust distance measure
for time series, allowing similar shapes to match
even if they are out of phase in the time axis.
Because of this flexibility, DTW is widely used
in science, medicine, industry and finance.
Unfortunately however, DTW does not obey the
triangular inequality, and thus has resisted
attempts at exact indexing. Instead, many
researchers have introduced approximate
indexing techniques, or abandoned the idea of
indexing and concentrated on speeding up
sequential search. In this work we introduce a
novel technique for the exact indexing of DTW.
We prove that our method guarantees no false
dismissals and we demonstrate its vast
superiority over all competing approaches in the
largest and most comprehensive set of time
series indexing experiments ever undertaken.
Exact Indexing of Dynamic Time Warping - Keogh (ResearchIndex)
%0 Journal Article
%1 Keogh2002
%A Keogh, Eamonn
%D 2002
%K B_scanpathsimilarity distancemeasure dynamictimewarping editdistance timeseries
%T Exact indexing of dynamic time warping
%X The problem of indexing time series has attracted
much research interest in the database
community. Most algorithms used to index time
series utilize the Euclidean distance or some
variation thereof. However is has been forcefully
shown that the Euclidean distance is a very
brittle distance measure. Dynamic Time Warping
(DTW) is a much more robust distance measure
for time series, allowing similar shapes to match
even if they are out of phase in the time axis.
Because of this flexibility, DTW is widely used
in science, medicine, industry and finance.
Unfortunately however, DTW does not obey the
triangular inequality, and thus has resisted
attempts at exact indexing. Instead, many
researchers have introduced approximate
indexing techniques, or abandoned the idea of
indexing and concentrated on speeding up
sequential search. In this work we introduce a
novel technique for the exact indexing of DTW.
We prove that our method guarantees no false
dismissals and we demonstrate its vast
superiority over all competing approaches in the
largest and most comprehensive set of time
series indexing experiments ever undertaken.
abstract = {The problem of indexing time series has attracted
much research interest in the database
community. Most algorithms used to index time
series utilize the Euclidean distance or some
variation thereof. However is has been forcefully
shown that the Euclidean distance is a very
brittle distance measure. Dynamic Time Warping
(DTW) is a much more robust distance measure
for time series, allowing similar shapes to match
even if they are out of phase in the time axis.
Because of this flexibility, DTW is widely used
in science, medicine, industry and finance.
Unfortunately however, DTW does not obey the
triangular inequality, and thus has resisted
attempts at exact indexing. Instead, many
researchers have introduced approximate
indexing techniques, or abandoned the idea of
indexing and concentrated on speeding up
sequential search. In this work we introduce a
novel technique for the exact indexing of DTW.
We prove that our method guarantees no false
dismissals and we demonstrate its vast
superiority over all competing approaches in the
largest and most comprehensive set of time
series indexing experiments ever undertaken.
added-at = {2007-02-17T12:59:51.000+0100},
author = {Keogh, Eamonn},
biburl = {},
description = {Exact Indexing of Dynamic Time Warping - Keogh (ResearchIndex)},
interhash = {e301ab7813e30066d7199f8eb89cbc66},
intrahash = {f20e09e3ada7200aed0d7cfb87096940},
keywords = {B_scanpathsimilarity distancemeasure dynamictimewarping editdistance timeseries},
text = {E. J. Keogh. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. In VLDB 2002.},
timestamp = {2007-10-04T14:22:31.000+0200},
title = {Exact indexing of dynamic time warping},
url = {},
year = 2002