
l\ nntl1~·1iatical uooel is presi?nt?.d for wind-·induc_ 0·3cillati0ns of cylin:ldcal structures. Because of the co•11plexi ty of the excitation mechanism (Karman vorte~ shedding), the rro1el is based on wind tunnel studies of ~ circular rigid cylin1er rrounted on a el~stic suspension and oc;cill3ting transv~rsally in a flowing fluid. lanalytica~ expression for the excitiny forces is proposed and incorporateq in the equation for the oscillatory mov~ment of the cylinder. ~ non··linear appro3ch using the multiple tine scale method i!:! 3dopted to investigate these oscillations. The amplitudes o~ th'? limit-cycles are obtained near to the resonant condition ·I The analysis shows that the main characteristics observed experirrent-:illy can be described by this mo1el.

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  • @chkokalis
  • @ceps
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