
Comparison of Normal and Arrhythmic Electrocardiograms using Scatter Plots

. Volume 6 von 2, 1133 Broadway,Suite 706,New York,NY10010,USA, Institute of Doctors Engineers and scientist(IDES), The Association of Copmuter Electronics and Electrical Engineers, (November 2011)


Supraventricular ectopy or ventricular ectopy is a cardiac disease in which the electrocardiogram shows occurrence of ectopic beats or extra beats. This arrhythmia is often precursor to ventricular fibrillation or stoppage of heart beats. In this paper a comparison has been shown between the RdR maps of the RR intervals of normal and supraventricular or ventricular ectopic ECGs. RdR maps are scatter plots of RR intervals and change in the RR intervals of ECGs. This plot has been chosen because of its computational simplicity.

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