
Thermodynamics of electrolytes. II. Activity and osmotic coefficients for strong electrolytes with one or both ions univalent

, and . The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 77 (19): 2300-2308 (1973)
DOI: 10.1021/j100638a009


The system of equations developed in the first paper of this series is successfully applied to the availablefree energy data at room temperature for 227 pure aqueous electrolytes with one or both ions univalent.The experimental data are represented substantially within experimental error from dilute solutions upto an ionic strength varying from case to case but typically 6 M. Where the data extend to high concentration,three parameters are evaluated for each solute, but one of these has negligible effect and is omittedif there are data only for the dilute range. This yields a very compact set of tables from which theseimportant and useful properties can be reproduced. These parameters will also be of importance in treatingmixed electrolytes. A simplified graphical presentation is given for activity coefficients of 1-1 electrolytes.In most cases the new equations are fitted to the osmotic coefficient data as recommended by Robinsonand Stokes but for hydroxides, zinc halides, hydrogen halides, and a few other cases we have basedour evaluation on the original data from several sources. The implications of our parameters are also discussedin terms of solvent structure and interionic forces.


Thermodynamics of electrolytes. II. Activity and osmotic coefficients for strong electrolytes with one or both ions univalent - The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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