
This paper describes the results of extensive experimental work for assessment of the performance of ne~ ly designed H.V. porcelain insulators under desert conditions. Six different designs of suspension-type insula tors of the same dia~€ter and of almost equal leakage - paths were proposed and produced using zero porosity high grade porcelain. Artificial and natural pollution tests are carried out on the different shapes according to IEC standards. Dry insulators, clean-fog wetted insulators, and salt-fog wetted insulators were tested. The natural pol luion tests were carried out after 12 months of exposure on a 20-meter-high tower sited in the "Pyramids High Voltage Research Center", Cairo West, which is an ideal position for simulating desert conditions. The metreological conditions during the exposure time were recorded and found to simulate closely the average conditions during the last five years. Analysis of the different +est results lead to the most suitable insulator design for desert conditions in Egypt.

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