Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata
in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has
grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag bookmarks,
photographs and other content. In this paper we analyze the structure of
collaborative tagging systems as well as their dynamical aspects. Specifically,
we discovered regularities in user activity, tag frequencies, kinds of tags
used, bursts of popularity in bookmarking and a remarkable stability in the
relative proportions of tags within a given url. We also present a dynamical
model of collaborative tagging that predicts these stable patterns and relates
them to imitation and shared knowledge.
%0 Generic
%1 citeulike:305755
%A Golder, Scott
%A Huberman, Bernardo A.
%D 2005
%K 0-student-shelaev 519 _unfiled annotation archive asc bibliography bookmark bookmarking bookmarks categorisation citation citations classification clustering colaborative collaborate collaboration collaborative collaborative-filtering collaborative-tagging collaborative_filtering collaborative_tagging collective commentary community computer-networks cooperation coordination core_periphery cscw datamining delicious digital dr_kim dynamic ecology emergence emergent eni ewa export farsi-media folksonomies folksonomy golder history huberman ict imt595 indexing information_organization interface learning leei library20 linguistics metadata model network_analysis networkdynamics networking networks newmedia no-tag ontology overview p2p patterns properties quantitative references research retrieve scale-free search self-organization semantics semiotics shelaev-project sigcr2006 social social-bookmarking social-netowrks social-network social-networking social-networks social-space social-tagging social_networks social_software socialbookmarking socialnets socialnetwork socialnetworking socialsearch socialsoftware socialtagging sociology software structure
%T The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems
%X Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata
in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has
grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag bookmarks,
photographs and other content. In this paper we analyze the structure of
collaborative tagging systems as well as their dynamical aspects. Specifically,
we discovered regularities in user activity, tag frequencies, kinds of tags
used, bursts of popularity in bookmarking and a remarkable stability in the
relative proportions of tags within a given url. We also present a dynamical
model of collaborative tagging that predicts these stable patterns and relates
them to imitation and shared knowledge.
abstract = {Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata
in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has
grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag bookmarks,
photographs and other content. In this paper we analyze the structure of
collaborative tagging systems as well as their dynamical aspects. Specifically,
we discovered regularities in user activity, tag frequencies, kinds of tags
used, bursts of popularity in bookmarking and a remarkable stability in the
relative proportions of tags within a given url. We also present a dynamical
model of collaborative tagging that predicts these stable patterns and relates
them to imitation and shared knowledge.},
added-at = {2007-04-17T15:32:58.000+0200},
author = {Golder, Scott and Huberman, Bernardo A.},
biburl = {},
citeulike-article-id = {305755},
description = {library2.0},
eprint = {cs.DL/0508082},
interhash = {2d312240f16eba52c5d73332bc868b95},
intrahash = {f852d7a909fa3edceb04abb7d2a20f71},
keywords = {0-student-shelaev 519 _unfiled annotation archive asc bibliography bookmark bookmarking bookmarks categorisation citation citations classification clustering colaborative collaborate collaboration collaborative collaborative-filtering collaborative-tagging collaborative_filtering collaborative_tagging collective commentary community computer-networks cooperation coordination core_periphery cscw datamining delicious digital dr_kim dynamic ecology emergence emergent eni ewa export farsi-media folksonomies folksonomy golder history huberman ict imt595 indexing information_organization interface learning leei library20 linguistics metadata model network_analysis networkdynamics networking networks newmedia no-tag ontology overview p2p patterns properties quantitative references research retrieve scale-free search self-organization semantics semiotics shelaev-project sigcr2006 social social-bookmarking social-netowrks social-network social-networking social-networks social-space social-tagging social_networks social_software socialbookmarking socialnets socialnetwork socialnetworking socialsearch socialsoftware socialtagging sociology software structure},
month = Aug,
timestamp = {2007-04-17T15:33:44.000+0200},
title = {The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems},
url = {},
year = 2005