
Language modeling via stochastic processes

, , , and . (2022)cite arxiv:2203.11370Comment: ICLR Oral 2022. Code: https://github.com/rosewang2008/language_modeling_via_stochastic_processes.


Modern language models can generate high-quality short texts. However, they often meander or are incoherent when generating longer texts. These issues arise from the next-token-only language modeling objective. To address these issues, we introduce Time Control (TC), a language model that implicitly plans via a latent stochastic process. TC does this by learning a representation which maps the dynamics of how text changes in a document to the dynamics of a stochastic process of interest. Using this representation, the language model can generate text by first implicitly generating a document plan via a stochastic process, and then generating text that is consistent with this latent plan. Compared to domain-specific methods and fine-tuning GPT2 across a variety of text domains, TC improves performance on text infilling and discourse coherence. On long text generation settings, TC preserves the text structure both in terms of ordering (up to +40% better) and text length consistency (up to +17% better). Human evaluators also prefer TC's output 28.6% more than the baselines.


Language modeling via stochastic processes

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  • @albinzehe
  • @dblp
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