
Reducing ØWL\ entailment to description logic satisfiability

, und . Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 1 (4): 345 - 357 (2004)<ce:title>International Semantic Web Conference 2003</ce:title>.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.websem.2004.06.003


We show how to reduce ontology entailment for the ØWL\ \DL\ and ØWL\ Lite ontology languages to knowledge base satisfiability in (respectively) the S H O I N ( D ) and S H I F ( D ) description logics. This is done by first establishing a correspondence between ØWL\ ontologies and description logic knowledge bases and then by showing how knowledge base entailment can be reduced to knowledge base satisfiability.

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  • @fritzsolms
  • @sudhir
  • @ramaz
  • @deynard
  • @marciomr
  • @vrandezo
  • @dblp
  • @diverzulu
  • @porta
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