
The Paper summarises C.E. G.B. statutory duties, explains planning procedures for electricity transmission. describes the environmental categories into which the country is divided and underlines factors particularly signif icant in the context of environmental impact. Mention is made of statutory and non-statutory bodies concerned with amenity and their considerable influence, leading on occasions to Public i nquiries into C.E.G.B. proposals. It states the Board's approach to the problem of visual amenity and the decisive influence of environmental factors on the adoption of the 400 kV voltage level. it deals with expenditure on preserving the interests of amenity and mentions specific cases including the use of underground cables. It considers the choice of conductor, the design of towers and insulators, the height of towers in relation to the scale of nature, the validity of the power lane theory , the colour of insulators and towers and similar questions, and gives data on the performance of the Board's lines in relation to audio interference. In general, the main amenity problem with lines up to 400 kV in this country is purely visual. However, at the higher voltages on which research is now taking place, such phenomena as induction and audio noise may be additional factors in considering the effect of overhead lines on their environment. Some results of the Board's latest research on these subjects are given. It is concluded that the time has arrived for increasing the scale of effort, world-wide, on research and on projects aimed at solving the currently envisaged amenity problems.

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