
Observational signatures of holographic models of inflation

, and . (2010)cite arxiv:1010.0244 Comment: 4 pp, 2 figs.


We discuss the phenomenology of recently proposed holographic models of inflation, in which the very early universe is non-geometric and is described by a dual three-dimensional quantum field theory (QFT). We analyze models determined by a specific class of dual QFTs and show that they have the following universal properties: (i) they have a nearly scale invariant spectrum of small amplitude primordial fluctuations, (ii) the scalar spectral index runs as alpha_s = -(n_s-1), (iii) the three-point function of primordial scalar perturbations is of exactly the factorizable equilateral form with f_nl^eq=5/36. These properties hold irrespective of the details (e.g. field content, strength of interactions, etc.) of the dual QFT within the class of theories we analyze. The ratio of tensors-to-scalars is determined by the field content of the dual QFT and does not satisfy the slow-roll consistency relations. Observations from the Planck satellite should be able to confirm or exclude these models.


Observational signatures of holographic models of inflation

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