
Wake induced oscillations in bundle systems 1 part - Finite element method analytical and experimental results

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This p:ipcr describes a r.ew analytical finite-element method for determining the behaviour of bundles of co.nduclors subject to wakeinduccd oscillations. Complete movement equations are obtained, in non-linear fonn, for asccrtJining the occurcnce of the phenomenon and for computing amplitude of steady~tate oscillations (limit cycles) by means or numerical integration. In addition, a description is given of the procedure followed to linearize the above movement equations, which results in a conside- · rable saving in the computer time that would have to be used if it· were desired to define fields of instability by means of numericai integration alone. Herc, examples are given of application of the method in the case of twin and triple bundles.

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  • @ceps
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