
Modeling Spatial Covariance Using the Limiting Distribution of Spatio-Temporal Random Walks

. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112 (518): 497-507 (2017)
DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2016.1224714


We present an approach for modeling areal spatial covariance in observed genetic allele data by considering the stationary (limiting) distribution of a spatio-temporal Markov random walk model for gene flow. This stationary distribution corresponds to an intrinsic simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) model for spatial correlation, and provides a principled approach to specifying areal spatial models when a spatio-temporal generating process can be assumed. We apply the approach to a study of spatial genetic variation of trout in a stream network in Connecticut, USA.


Discusses asymmetry, with application to trout in a stream network. Has a mixed model where the driving Gaussian noise has the covariance function of the stationary distribution of a discrete-space-time random field. The random field is a discrete model of abundance with sources, sinks, and migration - reaction-diffusion with diffusion from a MC and reaction equal to births minus deaths; and modeling the reaction term as spatial white noise. No reasons are given why the covariance function for space-time abundance should equal the covariance function underlying allelic identity.

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