
A Framework for Developing Mobile, Context-aware Applications

, and . Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'04), page 361--. Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)


The emergence of truly ubiquitous computing, enabledby the availability of mobile, heterogenous devices that supplycontext information, is currently hampered by the lackof programming support for the design and development ofcontext-aware applications.We have developed a framework which significantlyeases the development of mobile, context-aware applications.The framework allows developers to fusedata from disparate sensors, represent application context,and reason efficiently about context, without theneed to write complex code. An event based communicationparadigm designed specifically for ad-hoc wirelessenvironments is incorporated, which supports loose couplingbetween sensors, actuators and application components.


A Framework for Developing Mobile, Context-aware Applications

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  • @enitsirhc
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