Wavelab is a library of Matlab routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet-packet analysis, cosine-packet analysis and matching pursuit. The library is available free of charge over the Internet. Versions are provided for Macintosh, UNIX and Windows machines. Downloading and installation instructions are given here.
Wavelab has over 1200 .m files which are documented, indexed and cross-referenced in
various ways. In this document we suggest several ways to get started using Wavelab: (a) trying out a point-and-click browser, which allows one to interactively select datasets and compute their wavelet transforms; (b) running various demonstrations, which illustrate topics ranging from the visual appearance of various wavelets to the wavelet ompression of certain images,(c) browsing the extensive collection of source files, which are self-documenting and (d) reproducing the figures from the book Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by Stephan Mallat 30.
Wavelab makes available, in one package, all the code to reproduce all the figures in our published wavelet articles. The interested reader can inspect the source code to see exactly what algorithms were used, and how parameters were set in producing our figures, and can then modify the source to produce variations on our results. Wavelab has been developed, in part, because of exhortations by Jon Claerbout of Stanford that computational scientists should engage in ” really reproducible” research.
This document helps with installation and getting started, as well as describing the
philosophy, limitations and rules of the road for this software.
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