
Thermodynamics of electrolytes. IV. Activity and osmotic coefficients for mixed electrolytes

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Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96 (18): 5701-5707 (1974)
DOI: 10.1021/ja00825a004


An equation has been developed with the guidance of recent statistical theories of electrolytes whichis designed for convenient and accurate representation and prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolytes including mixtures with any number of components. The three previous papers have given the theoretical background and the evaluation of parameters for pure electrolytes of various charge types. The equation is here applied to a wide variety of mixed aqueous electrolytes at room temperature and at ionic strengths up to 6 M in many cases and occasionally even higher. The first objective is the prediction of properties of mixed electrolytes using only the parameters for pure electrolytes; on this basis standard deviations in In y or r#~ for 69 setsof mixtures are less than 0.01 in 36 cases and above 0.05 in only seven cases all involving Cs+ or OH-. A second objective is the determination of parameters giving the differences in short-range interaction of ions of the same sign where these differ significantly from zero. As expected, these difference terms, while always small, are relatively most important for singly charged ions (and especially for OH- and Cs+) and less important for ions of higher charge. The equations, including difference terms where known from binary mixtures with a common ion, were finally tested on 17 sets of mixtures involving four or more ions without any further adjustment of parameters.The standard deviation is less than 0.01 in all cases and is 0.003 or less in 11 cases. Thus these equations appear to yield accurate predictions of properties of mixed aqueous electrolytes.


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