
Automatic test data generation for TTCN-3 using CTE

, , , , , and .
ICSSEA ’05: Proc. 18th Intern. Conference Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, Paris and France, (2005)


With the growing system complexity the need for solid testing increases. The Test and Testing Control Notation, version 3 (TTCN-3) is a standardized testing language to ease the specification of test suites. Test data play an important role during test execution in order to explore all aspects of the system under test. Although TTCN-3 supports good means for test data specification such as an extensive type system, automated test data generation is not in the scope of the TTCN-3 language and requires complementary means. A promising approach is the classification tree method (CTM), which allows for test data generation by categorizing data domains in equivalence classes. This paper introduces an Eclipse plugin which enables the integration between TTCN-3 and Classification Tree Editor (CTE).



  • @hlackner

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