
Hidden symmetries of classical tonality in Schonberg's dodecaphonic compositions.

, and .
Journal of Mathematics & Music, 2 (1): 37 - 51 (2008)
DOI: 10.1080/17459730802011132


We exhibit symmetries on pitch classes that are intimately related to major/minor tonality, and then recover essential aspects of such tonality from these symmetries. This fact entails a relation to Schonberg's dodecaphonic series, where their two hexachords consisting of the first and second halves exhibit such symmetries. They are by no means isolated objects; it is shown that they can be thought of as simultaneous expressions of tonal and serial instances. These symmetries define a bridge between two apparently disconnected, and even antagonistic approaches to fundamental compositional designs. We discuss applications of this approach to Schonberg's Piano Concerto, op. 42. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR



  • @keinstein
  • @ks-plugin-devel

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