Inertial modes have been observed on the Sun at low longitudinal wavenumbers.
These modes probe the dynamics and structure of the solar convection zone down
to the tachocline. While linear analysis allows the complex eigenfrequencies
and eigenfunctions of these modes to be computed, it gives no information about
their excitation nor about their amplitudes.
We tested the hypothesis that solar inertial modes are stochastically excited
by the turbulent motions entailed by convection. We have developed a
theoretical formalism where the turbulent velocity fluctuations provide the
mechanical work necessary to excite the modes. The modes are described by means
of a 2D linear wave equation, relevant for the quasi-toroidal modes observed on
the Sun, with a source term, under the beta plane approximation. Latitudinal
differential rotation is included in the form of a parabolic profile that
approximates the solar differential rotation at low and mid latitudes.
We obtain synthetic power spectra for the wave's latitudinal velocity,
longitudinal velocity, and radial vorticity, with azimuthal orders between 1
and 20. The synthetic power spectra contain the classical equatorial Rossby
modes, as well as a rich spectrum of additional modes. The mode amplitudes are
found to be of the same order of magnitude as observed on the Sun (~ 1 m/s).
There is a qualitative transition between low and high azimuthal orders: the
power spectra for m < 5 show modes that are clearly resolved in frequency
space, while the power spectra for m > 5 display regions of excess power that
consist of many overlapping modes.
The general agreement between the predicted and observed inertial mode
amplitudes supports the assumption of stochastic excitation by turbulent
convection. Our work shows that the power spectra are not easily separable into
individual modes, thus complicated the interpretation of the observations.
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