Design, Development and Simulation of Front end Electronics for nuclear detectors Preamplifier Amplifier Shaper Discriminator has been presented in this article. The Nuclear Detector Signal Channel NDSC comprises of charge sensitive preamplifier, single stage gain amplifier, CR RC shaping amplifier and integral discriminator. The charge sensitive preamplifier feedback circuit has 1M resistor and 10 pF capacitor that gives its decay time constant t of 10 µs. The gain of amplifier used in this channel is 51. Shaping amplifier which is the combination of high pass and low pass filter with equal time constant t1=t2=t of 5 µs to increase the signal to noise ratio. Single ended or integral discriminator function is to eliminate the system noise and pulse height discrimination. The NDSC has been designed and verified in Proteus 7.7 simulation platform. And the simulation results have been presented to show the performance and characteristics of the channel. M. N. Islam | M. S. Alam | S. Sultana | H. Akhter | M. A. S. Haque "Design, Development and Simulation of Front-End Electronics for Nuclear Detectors: Preamplifier-Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-7 , December 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52588.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/electronics-and-communication-engineering/52588/design-development-and-simulation-of-frontend-electronics-for-nuclear-detectors-preamplifieramplifiershaperdiscriminator/m-n-islam
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