
CloseViz: visualizing useful patterns

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ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Useful Patterns 2010 (KDD-UP'10), page 17-26. ACM, (July 2010)


Numerous algorithms have been proposed since the introduction of the research problem of frequent pattern mining. Such a research problem has played an essential role in many knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) tasks. Most of the proposed frequent pattern mining algorithms return the mined results in the form of textual lists that contain frequent patterns showing those frequently occurring sets of items. As ä picture is worth a thousand words", the use of visual representation can enhance the user understanding of the inherent relations in a collection of frequent patterns. Although a few visualizers have been developed to visualize the raw data or the results for some data mining tasks, most of these visualizers were not designed for visualizing frequent patterns. For those that were, they show all the frequent patterns that can be mined from datasets. It is not uncommon that, for many real-life applications, the user may end up be overwhelmed by such a huge number of patterns. In this paper, we propose a visualizer—called CloseViz—to show the user only the useful patterns. Specifically, CloseViz shows only closed frequent patterns. By doing so, CloseViz reduces the number of displayed patterns to a useful amount while retaining all the important frequency information. Moreover, CloseViz presents the closed frequent patterns to the user in a useful manner, which allows visual exploration of the patterns. Note that the closed patterns shown by CloseViz can be considered as surrogates for all the frequent patterns that can be mined from the datasets.



  • @kleung

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