
Community structure of the physical review citation network

, and .
Journal of Informetrics, 4 (3): 278 - 290 (2010)
DOI: 10.1016/j.joi.2010.01.001


We investigate the community structure of physics subfields in the citation network of all Physical Review publications between 1893 and August 2007. We focus on well-cited publications (those receiving more than 100 citations), and apply modularity maximization to uncover major communities that correspond to clearly identifiable subfields of physics. While most of the links between communities connect those with obvious intellectual overlap, there sometimes exist unexpected connections between disparate fields due to the development of a widely applicable theoretical technique or by cross fertilization between theory and experiment. We also examine communities decade by decade and also uncover a small number of significant links between communities that are widely separated in time.



    • @stdo
    • @sdo

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