
Routing Techniques Used in Computer Communication Networks

, and .
Communications, IEEE Transactions on, 28 (4): 539 - 552 (April 1980)
DOI: 10.1109/TCOM.1980.1094690


An overview is provided in this paper of the routing procedures used in a number of operating networks, as well as in two commercial network architectures. The networks include TYMNET, ARPANET, and TRANSPAC. The network architectures discussed are the IBM SNA and the DEC DNA. The routing algorithms all tend to fall in the shortest path class. In the introductory sections, routing procedures in general are discussed, with specialization to shortest path algorithms. Two shortest path algorithms, one appropriate for centralized computation, the other for distributed computation, are described. These algorithms, in somewhat modified form, provide the basis for the algorithms actually used in the networks discussed.



  • @msteele

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