
micE Model for Defining Enterprise Mobile Strategy

, and .
Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,, 10 (1): 9 (January 2014)


Enterprises develop mobile solutions based on competitor offerings and immediate business needs, without a clear enterprise wide mobile strategy. Thin, thick and hybrid mobile apps, enterprise mobile platforms, mobile cloud services are all available across a range of budgets and timing needs, and can be leveraged based on requirement. Enterprise mobile strategy is typically viewed from the lenses of the IT stakeholders, who often times have very focused and narrow agendas. The outcome of proceeding with point solutions to address immediate needs, is unused licenses, replication of effort, rework due to lack of proper guidelines and other issues that all lead to increased capital and operational expenditure. This paper defines a user centric, holistic micE model for defining enterprise mobile strategy and a staged process in leveraging the model in enterprise context.



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