
Iris Recognition System Using Watershed Transform and CHT

, and .
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, (2017)


Abstract :  In this work, iris detection and localization algorithm has been proposed which use number of functions at different stages. i.e. in  preprocessing contrast adjustment, image smoothening has been carried out. Then Sobel filter has been used for detection edges. Later on watershed, fuzzy-clustering, active contour segmentation has been used for segmentation of iris/eye region. Also circular hough transform (CHT) has been used for detection of rough iris region which then improved by active contours. Similarly upper and lower eyelids/eyelashes have been detected using intensity difference of sclera region and iris. Finally an effective iris region has been segmented out which do not contain any irregularities in it. So this iris region can help in better authentication of the personnel’s as better and accurate features can be extracted from it.



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