
Modeling and simulation of sustainable local energy systems

University of Würzburg, (2023)


Due to the raising costs for energy and CO2-emission, more and more small companies are interested in new decentralized technologies for CO2-neutral local energy production and storage. For instance, companies with high electricity and/or process-heat demand are interested in photovoltaic and/or solar thermal systems as well as combined heat and power systems (e.g., heat pump - KWK). We want to go one step further: We want to design a new type of system, that will harvest the power of the sun (photovoltaic and/or solar thermal) and provide electricity, warmth and cold (combined heat, power and cooling - KWKK) to use in manufacturing processes. The supply of the energy forms shall be local for self-sufficiency as well as CO2-neutral. The system should be flexible, so that the user can determine which of the three energy forms he/she needs most. Storing electricity will be realized in accumulators while cold and warmth will be stored in insulated water tanks. In this bachelor thesis, a data-driven simulation model should be developed, based on a use case. Based on real and open data different energy system components should be implemented. The model should be used to evaluate different scenarios for sustainable energy supply by varying different parameters such as the size of the photovoltaic system or the capacity of the battery energy storage. Finally, an evaluation of cost savings and CO2 reduction potentials should be revealed.



  • @uniwue_info3

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