
X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - II. Hot interstellar medium

, , and .
(2012)cite arxiv:1205.3715Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table - Submitted to MNRAS.


We study the emission from the hot interstellar medium in a sample of nearby late type galaxies defined in the Paper I. Our sample covers a broad range of star formation rates, from ~0.1 Msun/yr to ~17 Msun/yr and stellar masses, from ~3x10^8 Msun to ~6x10^10 Msun. We take special care of systematic effects and contamination from bright and faint compact sources. We find that in all galaxies at least one optically thin thermal emission component is present in the unresolved emission, with the average temperature of <kT>= 0.24 keV. In about ~1/3 of galaxies, a second, higher temperature component is required, with the <kT>= 0.71 keV. Although statistically significant variations in temperature between galaxies are present, we did not find any meaningful trends with the stellar mass or star formation rate of the host galaxy. The apparent luminosity of the diffuse emission in the 0.5-2 keV band linearly correlates with the star formation rate with the scale factor of Lx/SFR\dim6.3x10^38 erg/s per Msun/yr, of which about ~45% is likely produced by faint compact sources of various types. We attempt to estimate the bolometric luminosity of the gas and and obtained results differing by an order of magnitude, log(Lbol/SFR)\sim39-40, depending on whether intrinsic absorption in star-forming galaxies was allowed or not. Our theoretically most accurate, but in practice the most model dependent result for the intrinsic bolometric luminosity of ISM is Lbol/SFR\sim1.5x10^40 erg/s per Msun/yr. Assuming that core collapse supernovae are the main source of energy, it implies that \epsilon_SN\sim5x10^-2 (E_SN/10^51)^-1 of mechanical energy of supernovae is converted into thermal energy of ISM.



  • @miki

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