
Availability Measurement and Modeling for An Application Server

, , , and .
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, page 669--. Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)


Application Server is a standard middlewareplatform for deploying web-based business applicationswhich typically require the underlying platform to deliverhigh system availability and to minimize loss oftransactions. This paper presents a measurement-basedavailability modeling and analysis for a fault tolerantApplication Server system - Sun Java System ApplicationServer, Enterprise Edition 7. The study applieshierarchical Markov reward modeling techniques on thetarget software system. The model parameters areconservatively estimated from lab or field measurements.The uncertainty analysis method is used on the model toobtain average system availability and confidenceintervals by randomly sampling from possible ranges ofparameters that cannot be accurately measured in limitedtime frames or may vary widely in customer sites. Asdemonstrated in this paper, the combined use of labmeasurement, analytical modeling, and uncertaintyanalysis is a useful evaluation approach which canprovide a conservative availability assessment at statedconfidence levels for a new software product.



  • @avail_map_stud

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