
HIV AIDS and the Reflection of Sexual Invisibility in the Elderly in Brazil

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3 (3): 890-894 (марта 2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd23041


To evaluate similar reports of HIV AIDS and AIDS deaths in Brazil by age, focusing on the geriatric group. Descriptive epidemiological study based on public databases and statistical analyses of HIV reports between 2007 2016 and cases of AIDS and AIDS deaths between 1980 2016, divided by age and sex. Of the 164,535 HIV cases reported between 2007 2016, 3.13 were elderly. Regarding AIDS cases between 1980 2004 and 2005 2016, there was an increase of 109.12 in the elderly and 208.44 in the elderly, associated with the rise in deaths in these groups. Comparing the numbers of AIDS and HIV cases from 2007 2016, there was an increase in the HIV AIDS relationship with the advancing age. Strategies are needed that provide a decline in the number of elderly people with HIV, through investment in prevention, multidisciplinary team and public policies. Bruna Balbina De Melo E Silva | Clarisse Vieira De Almeida | Elza De Araújo Dantas | Henrique Eduardo Romão Arboés | Larissa Queiroz De Oliveira | Amália Cinthia Meneses Rêgo | Francisco Irochima Pinheiro | Irami Araújo-Filho "HIV/AIDS and the Reflection of Sexual Invisibility in the Elderly in Brazil" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23041.pdf


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