Beliebiger Eintrag,

A Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebra structure on the Hochschild Cohomology of Truncated Polynomials

(2007)cite arxiv:0707.4213.


The main result of this paper is to calculate the Batalin-Vilkovisky structure of $HH^*(C^*(KP^n;R);C^*(KP^n;R))$ for $ K=C$ and $H$, and $R=Z$ and any field; and shows that in the special case when $M=CP^1=S^2$, and $R=Z$, this structure can not be identified with the BV-structure of $H_*(LS^2;Z)$ computed by Luc Memichi in menichi2. However, the induced Gerstenhaber structures are still identified in this case. Moreover, according to a recent work of Y.Felix and J.Thomas felix--thomas, the main result of the present paper eventually calculates the BV-structure of the rational loop homology, $H_*(LCP^n;Q)$ and $H_*(LHP^n;Q)$, of projective spaces.



  • @uludag

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