
Cognitive (Internet of) Things: Collaboration to Optimize Action

Palgrave Macmillan, New York, (2016)
DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-59466-2


This book explores cognitive behavior among Internet of Things. Using a series of current and futuristic examples -- appliances, personal assistants, robots, driverless cars, customer care, engineering, monetization, and many more -- the book covers use cases, technology and communication aspects of how machines will support individuals and organizations. Overall, Sathi explores ways in which Cognitive Things bring value to individuals as well as organizations and how to integrate the use of the devices into changing organizational structures. Case studies are used throughout to illustrate how innovators are already benefiting from the initial explosion of devices and data. Business executives, operational managers, and IT professionals will understand the fundamental changes required to fully benefit from cognitive technologies and how to utilize them for their own success.



  • @flint63
  • @dblp

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