We have developed an ac microcalorimeter for the thermodynamic study
of adsorbed gases on a single cleaved leaf of pyrolytic graphite.
Our sensitivity of about 0.1 nJ/deg was sufficient to probe details
of the 4He ordering transition. After in situ baking of the sample
we found heat-capacity peaks comparable to those measured on the
best exfoliated graphite substrates. The phase diagram near ordering
is narrower than previously measured and a critical analysis yields
asymmetric peaks: The low-T side diverges logarithmically for the
six coverages analyzed between 0.0633/ \AA 2 and 0.0649/ \AA 2 while
the high-T side of the peak displays a power-law divergence. The
critical-heat-capacity exponent in this coverage range drops
from 0.48 (stronger than that in the three-state Potts model) to
-0.07 (slightly cusped). We interpret the narrow ordered-phase region
as reflecting our excellent film geometry and the unexpected nonuniversality
as caused by residual impurity, rather than size-limiting effects.
Additional ac calorimetry studies should complement adsorbed-film
single-crystal diffraction research.
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