
Entanglement entropy of random partitioning

, , und .
Eur. Phys. J. B, 93 (1): 8 (20.01.2020)
DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2019-100496-y


We study the entanglement entropy of random partitions in one- and two-dimensional critical fermionic systems. In an infinite system we consider a finite, connected (hypercubic) domain of linear extent L, the points of which with probability p belong to the subsystem. The leading contribution to the average entanglement entropy is found to scale with the volume as a(p)LD, where a(p) is a non-universal function, to which there is a logarithmic correction term, b(p)LD−1 ln L. In 1D the prefactor is given by b(p)=c/3f(p),where c is the central charge of the model and f(p) is a universal function. In 2D the prefactor has a different functional form of p below and above the percolation threshold.



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