
A New Hybrid Synchronous Reluctance Machine Capable of Ultra-High Output Power

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (6): 884-894 (October 2018)


A new hybrid synchronous reluctance machine capable of ultra-high Xd Xq ratio output power has been studied. A d-q model voltage and flux linkage of the hybrid synchronous reluctance machine has been idealized and developed. Also the impedance and current loci from steady state analysis of the machine was obtained. The effect of capacitor loading in the auxiliary winding was investigated. The power factor and torque developed in the hybrid synchronous reluctance machine was compared with the conventional synchronous reluctance machine. The hybridized synchronous reluctance machine improved the major constraints of conventional reluctance machine - low power output and poor power factor due to low ratio of direct to quadrature axis reactance Xd Xq . To achieve this two elemental synchronous machines was conceived. Both were internally wound with identical winding in the stator. The rotor of one of the synchronous reluctance machine component is round while the other has a salient pole. Both machine halves were mechanically coupled together. One set of the winding of both machines were connected in series and fed from the main while the other set was also connected in series but transposed between the two section of the of the machine and then connected to a balanced three phased variable capacitance load. It was the capacitance loading of the auxiliary winding makes the overall Xd Xqratio of the hybrid machine to be variable that can theoretically attain values between zero and infinity. This translates to ultra-high output and unity power factor. S E Abonyi Ä New Hybrid Synchronous Reluctance Machine Capable of Ultra-High Output Power" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL:



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