
Automatic completion and refinement of verification sets for microprocessor cores

, , and .
Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops2005: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoSTOC, volume 3449 of LNCS, page 205--214. Lausanne, Switzerland, Springer Verlag, (30 March-1 April 2005)
DOI: doi:10.1007/b106856


In the design cycle of a microprocessor core, the unit is usually refined through a series of subsequent steps. To deliver a flaw free unit at the end of the process, in each stage a verification step is required. While it would be useful to automatically develop the set of test programs for verification concurrently to the design, in most of the existing approach verification is performed manually and starting from scratch. This paper presented a methodology for the automatic completion and refinement of existing verification programs. It shows a new technique for allowing a Genetic Programming-based framework to import an existing test-program set and assimilate it for further test generation. A case study is considered, in which a sample pipelined processor is used, and new test programs are generated starting from existing functional ones. Different metrics are targeted, and preliminary results are reported, showing the effectiveness of the method with respect to a pure random approach.



  • @brazovayeye

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