
Chemical Composition of the Water-Soluble Fraction of the Leaded Gasolines in Seawater

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Environment International, 25 (1): 117-129 (января 1999)
DOI: 10.1016/S0160-4120(98)00093-2


The chemical composition of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of gasoline and high-octane gasoline (both leaded) in seawater was investigated. Volatile compounds present were analyzed by purge and trap/gas chromatography (P&T/GC), and confirmed by GC/MS. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined by analyzing the concentrated extract of WSF by single-ion monitoring. A total of 46 volatile compounds were identified in the WSF of gasoline, amounting to about 67 mg/L, while the WSF of high-octane gasoline consisted of 35 volatile compounds which added up to about 77 mg/L. Aromatic compounds were predominant and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) formed the bulk of the total dissolved components. The concentration of PAHs was higher in the WSF of gasoline (1.3 mg/L) as compared to the PAHs in the WSF of high-octane gasoline (about 1 mg/L). Naphthalene and methylated naphthalenes were the major components in the PAH fraction. The effect of temperature and mixing time on the composition of the WSF was also investigated.


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