
From Observation to Transcription and Back: Theory, Practice, and Interpretation in the Analysis of Children's Naturally Occurring Discourse

, , and .
Research on Language and Social Interaction, 37 (1): 71-92 (2004)


In this article, we address issues of methodology in the study of peer talk in child discourse and argue for the need to develop an interdisciplinary approach to child discourse at large. The peer talk under study is part of a larger project following the development of children’s discursive skills, in method relying on ethnographic fieldwork, and conversation analysis methods of transcription and microanalysis.We use a case study to demonstrate the theoretical justification, benefits, and drawbacks of such integration. In the analysis, we demonstrate howmicroanalysis of detailed transcripts can serve to ground, provide warrants, and complexify the initial observation and its interpretation and how contextual knowledge can serve to enrich and complement the detailed analysis of the talk and the degree to which it is crucial for reaching a holistic understanding.



  • @yish

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