
A review of pay for performance practices in private industry and higher education

Pepperdine University, Doctoral Dissertation, (1990)


Statement of purpose and objectives. The United State's deteriorating competitive position in the international arena is attributed by many to the decrease in our productivity. Compensation specialists view tying performance to financial rewards as important in the success of the organization's efforts. A major element of these financial rewards is pay for performance, which has been impacted in recent years by a decrease in the funds available to it. The study's objectives were: (1) Review the evolutionary history of compensation in terms of dealing with the issues of rewarding performance during low merit budget years. (2) Review the literature to identify changes, during the past five years, in pay for performance practices used by corporations to motivate and reward salaried exempt employees. (3) Survey faculty members in higher education to identify the current pay practices in their organizations and assess which of the pay for performance practices used by their organization or by private industry they would view as motivators to performance. Procedure. The study included two major efforts. The first was to review the literature to accomplish objectives one and two. In addition, faculty members in higher education were surveyed to assess which of these pay for performance practices are seen by them as motivators to perform. Findings. The review of the literature revealed an overall consensus that pay for performance and especially merit pay are one of the major elements to motivate performance and that they have been impacted in recent years by low budgets. It also revealed that there were many concerns regarding the effectiveness of current merit pay programs and how they were administered. The survey results showed that the majority of faculty members viewed pay for performance, especially merit pay as a motivator for performance. A few stated that they were not motivated by money. The same concerns regarding the administration of any pay for performance which were raised in the literature were reflected in the survey.


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