
The Influence of the Timing of Sowing Turnip Salad on the Biochemical Composition

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4 (6): 120-121 (Oktober 2020)


The article highlights the problems of providing the population with healthy food. In particular, the biochemical composition of turnip and turnip salad is revealed, the difference in the indicators of the presence of sugar, vitamin C and other useful substances in them, so necessary for a person, is shown. Rakhmatov Anvar Mamatovich | Azizov Shavkat Shodievich | Usmanov Zafar Usmanovich "The Influence of the Timing of Sowing Turnip Salad on the Biochemical Composition" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia , October 2020, URL: Paper Url :



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