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To develop young children's conceptions of numbers

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In a group of children, aged 2:7 &endash 3:1 years, the teachers have systematically been working with developing the children's conception of numbers. In the group there are eight children who are all extraordinary fascinated by stars. The teacher takes this fascination as a starting point to develop the children's conception of numbers. She makes cards with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars on. The cards are sorted with regard to the numbers of stars and kept in a box with five compartments, one for each number. When the group is gathered the teacher lets the children choose one "star-card" each, which they are asked to put up on a board together with their name. The teacher works with the children in steps which have partly been developed with regard to the children's comments. The children are invited to take a star-card with a pattern which they think is nice. Further, they are invited to match cards with the same number of stars and to count the stars on their cards. The children are also asked to compare the length of the rows of cards and to work out how many cards there are in the different rows. They are also asked to pick a card with a given number of stars. This article demonstrates how the work was carried out and how the children think and how they handle the different parts of the content. When the work is finished, another group of children of the same age is interviewed and the two different groups are compared with regard to the children's conception of numbers.



  • @rmosvold

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