
Integrating User Modeling Server with User Modeling Mediator on a Personal Device

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Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Ubiquitous User Modelling (UbiqUM2009), page 11-15. (2009)


In today’s “active environments” users are equipped with smart personal device and they are able to receive personal services from their environment. However, provision of personalized services to users requires accurate modeling of users’ interests and needs and such information may not be available to service provider. Previously suggested solutions, such as user modeling servers and user modeling mediation demonstrated technologically possible solution to the problem of bootstrapping user models for such services. However, all the above solutions introduce privacy problem. This paper proposes a general framework for enhancing the privacy of user modeling in personalization systems, by keeping the user “in control” of his/her personal information. The combined user modeling server and mediation mechanism will allow the user to explicitly select what information to disclose to service provider and to transfer it at the right format.



  • @akroener

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