
A Semantically Based and Pragmatically Oriented Pedagogical Model of Translation

Translation Watch Quarterly, (2007)


The objective of this paper is to develop a semantically based and pragmatically oriented model of translation. The model serves as a guideline for trainee translators to help them identify the semantic, textual, cultural, pragmatic, thematic and stylistic aspects which should be considered in the translation processes of text analysis and conversion. It also highlights the translation strategies that trainee translators need to acquire. The model views the text as a subcomponent of the communicative context, which in turn is a subcomponent of the context of culture—the meaning of the textual elements is determined partly in relation to their co-text, pre-text and post-text and partly in relation to the parameters of the communicative event and the context of culture. The model helps the trainee translators to make their own choices and reflect upon the effects such choices. Decisions should not be made solely on the basis of the Source Language text; rather equal attention should be accorded to both Source Text and Target Text.



  • @sofiagruiz92

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