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%0 Journal Article
%1 Bleichrodt2003
%A Bleichrodt, Han
%A Crainich, David
%A Eeckhoudt, Louis
%D 2003
%J Journal of Public Economics
%K Willingness pay to
%N 11
%P 2399--2406
%T Comorbidities and the willingness to pay for health improvements
%V 87
added-at = {2008-04-28T13:05:01.000+0200},
author = {Bleichrodt, Han and Crainich, David and Eeckhoudt, Louis},
biburl = {},
interhash = {6b7a6a3e77ca59d509505f9f7ad51080},
intrahash = {2b8652e0e000d0b36ab117232265b7a3},
journal = {Journal of Public Economics},
keywords = {Willingness pay to},
month = Oct,
number = 11,
pages = {2399--2406},
timestamp = {2008-04-28T13:06:31.000+0200},
title = {Comorbidities and the willingness to pay for health improvements},
url = {},
volume = 87,
year = 2003